The Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board (NIPDB) has noted the newspaper article with the headline “Ernstige bewerings oor Uaandja se bestuurstyl” (translating to: “Serious allegations about Uaandja’s management style”), published on the front page of Die Repulkein newspaper on Thursday, 06 February 2025.
Regrettably, the content of this article is both misleading and factually incorrect. The NIPDB provided all the requested information to the Journalist/Author within the agreed upon timeframe, which would have corrected the inaccuracies presented in the article. It is disappointing that instead of providing the facts and giving the readers a balanced view, the journalist chose to selectively omit crucial details, thus creating a distorted and unfavourable perception about the NIPDB.
In light of this, the NIPDB hereby wishes to set the record straight by providing the accurate information regarding the points raised in the aforementioned article.
Below is the list of questions received from the newspaper, and the exact responses provided by the NIPDB.
NIPDB Response:
1. Staff Turnover
As an employer, NIPDB acknowledges that not all employees will remain with the organisation indefinitely. Employees may choose to resign for a variety of reasons, ranging from new career opportunities to personal or family commitments and of course there are some who do so because they feel their needs are not being met. Although NIPDB is a relatively new entity, we are committed to fostering a positive work culture that empowers our employees to thrive. To this end, we have implemented a series of strategic initiatives designed to embed this culture within our organisational DNA. Furthermore, we take pride in attracting and retaining some of the brightest talent in Namibia, making our employees highly sought after in the job market. Therefore, when they’re presented with opportunities for professional advancement or career growth, we fully support our employees in exploring these opportunities to further their careers.
2. Recruitment Process
The NIPDB’s recruitment process is conducted in accordance with and in full compliance with the guidelines and principles outlined in our internal policy, which provides the framework for hiring and onboarding new employees. This policy is an integral part of our broader governance structure, and is therefore applied with the utmost diligence. The recruitment process is sensitive by nature as it involves confidential employee information, which we are obliged to safeguard, and thus cannot disclose publicly. However, as with all other aspects of our operations, the recruitment process is intrinsically ethical and always anchored in the prevailing policy framework.
3. Staff Training and Development
At NIPDB, we recognise the critical link between employee training and development, and organisational success. Continuous investment in developing our team not only enhances their skills, but also fosters innovation, thus enabling the NIPDB to remain agile in the execution of our mandate.
Our employee development is governed by the Learning and Development Policy, which ensures that this benefit is rolled out in a fair and equitable manner. In this regard, training assistance is available to all employees, with certain terms and conditions to ensure alignment to business goals and the employees’ personal development plans. To date, a total of 17 employees have benefited from our training fund, pursuing various qualifications in diverse fields, including development finance, credit analysis and business administration, to mention a few.
Issued by:
Catherine Shipushu
Senior Manager: Marketing, Branding and Communications
Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board
Telephone: +264 83 333 8636
Mobile: +264 81 127 9069
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In partnership with the Rand Merchant Bank (RMB) Namibia, the NIPDB hosted an “Invest in Namibia Summit” on the margins of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York, United States.
Building on the significant interest Namibia attracted on account of recent oil and gas discoveries and green hydrogen projects that have placed Namibia on the radar of investors, the summit was needed to amplify Namibia as a preferred investment destination and attract investment into other sectors of the economy, such as green hydrogen, agriculture, tourism and mining, in addition to further investment in oil and gas. RMB’s partnership was therefore invaluable to foster awareness of Namibian opportunities to the international community towards increased investment interest.
In collaboration with the World Economic Forum (WEF), NIPDB is developing the Namibia Sustainable Supplier Database (SD2). This database comprises an online, centralised repository of information about domestic companies that aims to support domestic and international investors to identify potential suppliers, service providers, or business partners in Namibia.
This initiative is expected to create a triple benefit as follows:
The Know2Grow (K2G) High Potential Pool is designed to assist in expanding the activities of export-ready micro and small businesses with significant potential for exporting their products. In 2023, Nedbank Namibia, First National Bank Namibia and Bank Windhoek made a generous pledge of N$300,000 to support the High Potential Pool.
More than 20 export-ready MSMEs from the K2G-High Potential Pool have participated. They were selected to take part in international events focusing on market access and export promotion, including the Annual Investment Meeting held in Abu Dhabi in May 2023, the 3rd China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo, and the Southern Africa International Trade Expo (SAITEX) as part of Africa’s Big 7 exhibition held in Johannesburg in May and June 2023, respectively.