Steps to establish a business in Namibia. These websites may prove valuable when considering the establishment of a company. Embarking on the journey of establishing a business in Namibia is an exciting and rewarding endeavour.
To ensure a smooth and successful setup, it's essential to follow a series of steps that will help you navigate the legal, administrative, and operational requirements. The steps below provide valuable information and resources to assist you at each stage of the process, from initial registration to securing necessary permits and finding the perfect location for your business.
For all businesses wishing to establish a business in Namibia, the NIPDB is the first point of call. Through our Investor One-Stop-Centre, we provide a one-stop service solution and access to all the major government entities in one location. This service is available for all current and potential investors register on our database.
Following are the steps to follow in establishing a business, which can also be facilitated through our Investor-One-Stop House, located at the Investment House in the heart of Windhoek.

Step 1: Business Registration
To be considered as a legal entity in Namibia, businesses are required to register with the Business and Intellectual Property Authority (BIPA) is required.
Register with Namibia Revenue Agency (NamRA) for tax purposes.
Register with the Social Security Commission (SSC) for employee compensation purposes.
Step 2: Visa/Permit Application (for Non-Namibians only)
Once the business is fully registered, the owner can proceed with applying for an Employment Permit for themselves and Temporary Residence Permits their family. These permits are typically issued in 2-3 weeks, and remain vali for 24 months., with an option to renew.

Step 3: Opening Of A Bank Account
Opening a bank account is a fundamental step when starting a business as it ensures legal compliance, facilitates transactions, and helps manage financial operations effectively. This ensures that the business can operate within the country's legal framework. It also helps with keeping clear financial records that are required for filing taxes and complying with local tax laws.
To proceed with the bank account opening, the investor must provide:
The founding statement of the business registration
Business resolution to proceed with the bank account opening
Valid work visa (3-6 months) or employment permit (24 months)
Step 4: Site Selection, Licences & Permits
Investors have the option to lease or buy privately owned properties for both business and residential purposes.
Depending on the nature of the business, investors may be required to obtain specific licenses and permits. Additionally, a fitness certificate from the local municipality may be necessary after the business opens.